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April 13, 2009



Congrats and Thank You for the twenty years.

Does this mean more frequent blogging?

Ron Layko

Congratulations SJL! I wish Nancy and I could have been there for the ceremony. We miss you guys.



You snuck this one past me. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! And thank you thank you THANK YOU!!

Let me know if you get out to SoCal anytime. I really need to buy you a beer or three!!!

Now - here's to many successes as you start a new phase. Knock 'em dead Sir!

Quality Weenie

Congratulations on a successful 20, now onto another successful 20 in the corporate world!


Thanks gang. Would have loved to have you all there.
As far as corporate, well, I do not want to jinx it or otherwise poke at the gods and queer my luck. Other irons are in other fires as we speak. I'll get something up when it happens for sure. Yes more posts are forthcoming, though, unlimited rants against he who shall not be named are in abeyance for the time being. 2 posts in 4 months(?) and I can't stop typing "teh". WTF?


Congratulations! The Department of Homeland Security will now consider you a terrorist. Welcome to our ranks fellow veteran.

Sincere thanks for your service!


Cowboy Blob

Congrats on your retirement! Don't rush off to a new job right away! You got fishin' to do!

Mike the Marine

Private citizen Smokin', eh? I have a hard time contemplating it...

NOW who's gonna defend freedom and talk shit 24/7? Oh wait... that'd be me.

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