To comment on the Palin pick for VP.
Smartest thing McCain has done yet. So smart, Rove has to be behind this. If not Rove, Dems beware 'cause McCain has someone more devious than Rove working for him. From the look of Cindy McCain's eyes, it might be her.
Lefty punks are quick to jump on her age, background and "lack of experience" . This attack fails on every level precisely because it's what she has done in a short period of time that attracted attention. From city councils to small town mayor to state bureaucrat to State Gov. in 14 years. Over the top of entrenched incumbents with no GOP support from the spineless RINOS. This DEFINES accomplishment. They compare Obama's experience to Palin's. FAIL. Palin is #2 on the ticket Obama is #1 on his. She's accomplished tangible results for her constituents in Alaska in the two years she's been in charge.
- Property taxes cut by 60%
- $1200 tax credits from oil for every Alaskan
- Pushing congress to open ANWR
- She stopped corrupt Alaska Senator Steven's pork barrel project 'bridge to nowhere" saving American taxpayers 200 million dollars.
- Commander in Chief of the Alaska National Guard. Some poo poo this as mostly a ceremonial position. Who approves the budget? Who approves the promotions? It's probably the Gov. who has oversight of that if not signing the paperwork herself. When nothing bad happens you're doing a great job. Upon your first fuck-up big Army is screaming for your head. At the rock bottom least it requires some hands on knowledge of the service, Obama and Biden - zero.
Other valuable valuable conservative cred.
- Lifetime NRA member
- Moose hunter
- 5 kids at 44, last one born four months ago with Downs syndrome which she was advised to abort and carried anyway.
Moose is damn good. It's also a 1500 lbs animal that will stomp your guts out. Literally. The last thoughts through your mind are going to be "God this hurts" and "fuck this thing stinks" as you bleed out. If she can face down and kill a moose, she's got Biden's number.
Drop a dictionary and if it falls open to a page with Joe Biden's picture on it, you're on the same page as the word BLOWHARD. It's been two days since the announcement and not a peep out of him. (thank god, Biden speechless for once) What we're witnessing is what a true lightweight he really has been for 35 years. It's probably a good thing he keeps his yap shut, one dufus remark about Sarah and Mr Palin would probably run his face over with a snowmobile. My mistake, I typed "would" when I meant "should", " can" and "will". Biden has never been anything more that a world class bloviator and richly deserves to have his political pants pulled down around his ankles on a national stage. I think if he tries to jump ugly with Palin, his shit will be in the street.
If Obama and Biden can't figure out what to do about their opponents VP pick in two days, well, that's just JV. Putin and Ammahdinijad don't give two day notices. I don't care if I spelled the asswipes name correctly, he probably doesn't spell it the same way twice in a row himself. Fact is, America's leader needs to have the Big Boy pants on these days, Obama and Biden don't.
This is good new for conservatives and bodes well for McCains run.
I don't know about a tingle up my leg...but I may shave my junk, I hear Fred Thompson already did.
On a sad note, the #8LaykoLabatt'sBlueBenelliTrojanMagnumCondomGMC, she has two rust through spots, right and left cab quarters, right at the corners. Tough spots, no way to get behind them without major ass pain. Could be her last year, depends how the Buckeyes do. The itch to go back to Ford is mounting.